Get uniform coffee grounds in your portafilter and keep grounds from getting on the counter with the Mazzer GFC – Grind Flow Control System.
GFC consists of a removable aluminum outlet insert equipped with interchangeable wire dampers. Choose the best damper for you according to coffee origin, roast profile, weather conditions or barista preferences. When you set the grinder for the first time start testing the Hybrid damper (factory fitted). This wire damper is designed to give the best results under standard conditions.
The wire dampers change according to the grinders you have:
Kold S / Robur S: AntiDust – AntiClumping – Hybrid
Kony S: AntiClumping – Hybrid
Major VP: AntiDust – Hybrid
Major V: AntiDust – Hybrid
Super Jolly V: Hybrid
AntiDust: wire damper to be used in case of a high electrostatic charge in the ground coffee (coffee powder on tray and counter)
AntiClumping: wire damper to be used in case of clumping in the ground coffee.
Hybrid: wire damper originally installed on the grinder; the ideal choice to limit electrostatic charge and clumping under standard conditions